Lately, there’s been far too many people popping up in my Facebook news feed slinging information on how to get a fanbase for a bunch of money or a subscription of $100 or more. Noise Creators was founded because we saw the potential to make the music world a better place. 7 years ago I started a blog called Musformation to give free information on how to promote your music to musicians. That blog led me to publishing the book Get More Fans: The DIY Guide To The New Music Business which is now in its fourth edition and is taught in a dozen university. It’s received a lot of praise from musicians, music business types and many others. Today with Noise Creators help I’m releasing a free eBook that gives musicians concise information on what they should be doing to gain a fanbase. This book was designed to be read in under 30 minutes so musicians can get this information fast and get to work in order to be as effective as possible. Click a choice below and download the book below. We hope when you’re ready to record your music you’ll come back and let us give you a hand. – Jesse Cannon
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